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Taking a chance leads to big rewards | Creating wallpaper for the Surfjack Hotel

I’ve always dreamed of creating my own wallpaper, but it was something that I stuffed into my “that would be awesome, but I doubt it will ever happen” basket. Well, a year ago I must have really been putting out positive design vibes, because the stars aligned and I was presented with the opportunity to create wallpaper for a new hotel in Waikiki. My reaction was somewhere along the lines of, “whaaaaat?!? OMG! whaaaat?! No way! Yes, I'm in”

The hotel project was sort of “under-wraps-slash-hush-hush”, so I wasn’t given too many details. I didn’t know the hotel name, brand, location, or size. Oh, and of course it was somewhat of a rush project. All these things would normally raise red flags for me, but I honestly think I was so excited for the opportunity to fulfill a creative dream that I just took a chance and went for it. Soon after signing on with the project I learned that several local artist would be tapped for various projects and I instantly knew in my heart that I took the right chance at the right time.

Fast forward several months and it’s unveiled that the project is for the Surfjack Hotel & Swim Club (which happens to be the coolest - check out their vibe), the wallpaper is up (and I’m in love), and I’m happy to report the project was a smash hit on so many levels. The hotel renovation was part of a movement that encouraged uniqueness and selfless progression. I’ve made friends with so many talented artists and pushed the boundaries of my creativity and confidence. 

Nothing would have been possible without the vision of the talented people at The Vanguard Theory and commitment to unique design by the Surfjack Hotel and Swim Club. Mahalo!!

At the Surfjack opening party. Hey, look, that's me!

Working on the scale of the pattern. The bigger and bolder, the better!

Touring the property with Michelle of The Vanguard Theory.

The devil is in the details. Surfjack branded crates for in-room dining service.
